An image associated with a frame of data.
- Since
Public Members
The properties of the received image.
uint64_t matrix_version
A version number for the distortion matrix.
When the distortion matrix changes, this number is updated. This number is guaranteed not to repeat for the lifetime of the connection. This version number is also guaranteed to be distinct for each perspective of an image.
This value is guaranteed to be nonzero if it is valid.
The distortion matrix only changes when the streaming device changes or when the device orientation flips inverting the image and the distortion grid. Since building a matrix to undistort an image can be a time-consuming task, you can optimize the process by only rebuilding this matrix (or whatever data type you use to correct image distortion) when the grid actually changes.
LEAP_DISTORTION_MATRIX *distortion_matrix
Pointers to the camera’s distortion matrix.
void *data
A pointer to the image data.
uint32_t offset
Offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the data ptr to the actual beginning of the image data.