Class ULeapComponent¶
class ULeapComponent : public UActorComponent, public ILeapConnectorCallbacks¶
Public Functions
void AreHandsVisible(bool &LeftIsVisible, bool &RightIsVisible)¶
Utility function to check if a hand is visible and tracked at this moment
void GetLatestFrameData(FLeapFrameData &OutData, const bool ApplyDeviceOrigin = false)¶
Polling function to get latest data
void GetHandSize(float &OutHandSize)¶
Get the hand size, by default it will get the left hand size In this method that we measure the middle finger length + palm position to start of finger as an indication of the hand size
- Parameters
OutHandSize – - returns the hand size
void GetLRGrabStrength(TArray<float> &GrabStrength)¶
Get the grab strength for both hands
- Parameters
GrabStrength – - returns the grab strength as an array Index 0 of the array is for the left hand Index 1 of the array is for the right hand
bool DoesCurrentGrabStrengthExceedTarget(const float GrabStrength, uint8 TargetHand)¶
Checks if the hand type can grab, but checking the pinch or grab strength
- Parameters
GrabStrength – - the grab strength
Type – - the hand type
- Returns
bool, if we can grab with this hand type (left or right)
- UPROPERTY (BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category="Leap Devices", meta=(EditCondition="DisableEditMultiDeviceMode == false")) TEnumAsByte< ELeapMultiDeviceMode > MultiDeviceMode
Multidevice configuration, Singular subscribes to a single device. Combined subscribes to multiple devices combined into one device
Public Members
FLeapDeviceSignature OnLeapDeviceAttached¶
Called when a device connects to the leap service, this may happen before the game starts and you may not get the call
FLeapDeviceSignature OnLeapDeviceDetached¶
Called when a device disconnects from the leap service
FLeapFrameSignature OnLeapTrackingData¶
Event called when new tracking data is available, typically every game tick.
FLeapHandSignature OnHandGrabbed¶
Event called when a leap hand grab gesture is detected
FLeapHandSignature OnHandReleased¶
Event called when a leap hand release gesture is detected
FLeapHandSignature OnHandPinched¶
Event called when a leap hand pinch gesture is detected
FLeapHandSignature OnHandUnpinched¶
Event called when a leap hand unpinch gesture is detected
FLeapHandSignature OnHandBeginTracking¶
Event called when a leap hand enters the field of view and begins tracking
FLeapHandSignature OnHandEndTracking¶
Event called when a leap hand exits the field of view and stops tracking
FLeapVisibilityBoolSignature OnLeftHandVisibilityChanged¶
Event called when the left hand tracking changes
FLeapVisibilityBoolSignature OnRightHandVisibilityChanged¶
Event called when the right hand begins tracking
FLeapPolicySignature OnLeapPoliciesUpdated¶
Event called when leap policies have changed
FLeapImageEventSignature OnImageEvent¶
Event called when a device image is ready. Requires setting image policy first
FLeapEventSignature OnLeapServiceConnected¶
Event called when the leap service connects. Will likely be called before game begin play so some component won’t receive this call.
FLeapEventSignature OnLeapServiceDisconnected¶
Event called if leap service connection gets lost. Track won’t work if this event gets called.
TEnumAsByte<ELeapMode> TrackingMode¶
Tracking mode optimization
FLeapTrackingModeSignature OnLeapTrackingModeUpdated¶
Event called when leap policies have changed
TArray<FString> AvailableDeviceSerials¶
Available device list
FString ActiveDeviceSerial¶
Active Device (Singular mode only)
TArray<FString> CombinedDeviceSerials¶
Combined device list
bool DisableEditMultiDeviceMode¶
Disable/Grey out setting the multidevice mode.
void AreHandsVisible(bool &LeftIsVisible, bool &RightIsVisible)¶