Class Leap::PhysicalHands::PhysicalHandUtils

class Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandUtils

Public Static Functions

static float ClosestHandDistance (List<ContactHand> handsToCompare, GameObject objectToCheckDistanceFrom)

Calculates the shortest distance between a list of hand objects and a specified game object.

Param handsToCompare

The list of hand objects to compare distances from.

Param objectToCheckDistanceFrom

The game object to check distances from.


The shortest distance between the hands and the specified game object.

static float ClosestHandBoneDistance (List<ContactHand> handsToCompare, Rigidbody objectToCheckDistanceFrom)

Calculates the shortest distance between a list of hand objects and a specified game object.

Param handsToCompare

The list of hand objects to compare distances from.

Param objectToCheckDistanceFrom

The game object to check distances from.


The shortest distance between the hands and the specified game object.

static ContactHand ClosestHand (List<ContactHand> contactHands, GameObject objectToCheckDistanceFrom)

Finds the closest Contact Hand from a list of contact hands to a given object.

Param contactHands

A list of ContactHand objects representing hands to compare distances from.

Param objectToCheckDistanceFrom

The GameObject from which distances are measured.


The closest ContactHand to the given object, or null if the list is empty.

static Hand ClosestHand (List<Hand> contactHands, GameObject objectToCheckDistanceFrom)

Finds the closest hand from a list of hands to a given object.

Param contactHands

A list of Hand objects representing hands to compare distances from.

Param objectToCheckDistanceFrom

The GameObject from which distances are measured.


The closest Hand to the given object, or null if the list is empty.