Class Leap::PhysicalHands::GrabBall

class Leap.PhysicalHands.GrabBall : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab

A representation of an object with an attached object which can be restricted relative to the users head

Most useful for 3D UI panels to ensure they are reachable

Public Functions

void SetGrabBallOffset (Vector3 newOffset)

Sets the Grab Ball’s offset, relative to its Attached Object, moving the Grab Ball The new offset is treated as a position in the Attached Object’s local space.

void SetAttachedObjectOffset (Vector3 newOffset)

Sets the Attached Object’s offset, relative its Grab Ball, moving the Attached Object The new offset is treated as a position in the Grab Ball’s local space.

Public Members

GrabBallRestrictionStatus grabBallRestrictionStatus

What restrictions are currently being applied to the grab ball

Pose grabBallPose

The pose the grab ball is actually at, including restrictions

struct GrabBallRestrictionStatus