Class Leap::HandsModule::HandBinderAutoBinder

class Leap.HandsModule.HandBinderAutoBinder

Public Static Functions

static void AutoBind (HandBinder handBinder)

This function is used to search the child Transforms of the HandBinder script to automatically try and assign them for the user

Param handBinder

The HandBinder that the found Transform target will get assigned to

static void BindHand (HandBinder handBinder)

Using the bound transforms, run the hand binding process to calculate rotation offsets and scale

Param handBinder

static List<Transform> GetAllChildren (Transform _t)

Get all the children of a transform

Param _t


static BoundBone[] AssignTransformToBoundBone (Transform[] boneTransform)

Bind a transform in the scene to the Hand Binder

Param boneTransform

The transform you want to assign

Param fingerIndex

The index of the finger you want to assign

Param boneIndex

The index of the bone you want to assign

Param handBinder

The Hand Binder this information will be added to


static void EstimateWristRotationOffset (HandBinder handBinder)

Estimate the rotation offset needed to get the rigged hand into the same orientation as the leap hand