Namespace Leap

namespace Leap

HandModelBase defines abstract methods as a template for building Leap hand models


TestHandPose = TestHandFactory.TestHandPose


enum LeapEvent

An enumeration defining the types of Leap Motion events.





A connection event has occurred.


The connection with the service has been lost.


A device event has occurred.


A device failure event has occurred.


Event asserted when the underlying device object has been lost.


A change in policy occurred.


Response to a Config value request.


Success response to a Config value change.


A tracking frame has been received.


An internal tracking frame has been received.


A requested image is available.


A requested image could not be provided.


The distortion matrix used for image correction has changed.


A diagnostic event has occurred.


An unrequested image is available.

enum MessageSeverity

Reports whether the message is for a severe failure, a recoverable warning, or a status change.





A verbose, informational message

enum Chirality

Supported chiralities


enum ModelType

Supported hand model types


enum TrackingSource

Used to determine the source of the tracking data. NONE - Either not available or has not been detemined yet LEAPC - A direct connection to the Leap Service via LeapC OPENXR - An OpenXR connection, most likely not Ultraleap Tracking OPENXR_LEAP - An OpenXR connection, Ultraleap OpenXR layer is also active


enum ChiralitySelection


class ActionDetector : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.GrabDetector, Leap.PinchDetector

class Anchor : public MonoBehaviour
class AnchorableBehaviour : public MonoBehaviour

AnchorableBehaviours mix well with InteractionBehaviours you’d like to be able to pick up and place in specific locations, specified by other GameObjects with an Anchor component.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHandsAnchorable

class AnchorGroup : public MonoBehaviour
class AnchorSet : public Leap.SerializableHashSet<Anchor>
class Arm : public Leap.Bone, public IEquatable<Arm>

The Arm class represents the forearm.

struct BeginProfilingBlockArgs
struct BeginProfilingForThreadArgs
class BitConverterNonAlloc
class Bone : public IEquatable<Bone>

The Bone class represents a tracked bone.

All fingers contain 4 bones that make up the anatomy of the finger. Get valid Bone objects from a Finger object.

Bones are ordered from base to tip, indexed from 0 to 3. Additionally, the bone’s Type enum may be used to index a specific bone anatomically.

The thumb does not have a base metacarpal bone and therefore contains a valid, zero length bone at that location.



Subclassed by Leap.Arm

class CapsuleHand : public Leap.HandModelBase

The CapsuleHand is a basic Leap hand model that generates a set of spheres and cylinders to render hands using Leap hand data. It is constructed dynamically rather than using pre-existing geometry which allows hand visuals to scale to the size of the users hand and is a reliable way to visualize the raw tracking data.

class Comment : public MonoBehaviour
class Config

The Config class provides access to Leap Motion system configuration information.



class ConfigChangeEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a configuration change is completed.

Provides the configuration key, whether the change was successful, and the id of the original change request.



class ConnectionEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when the connection is established.



class ConnectionLostEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when the connection is lost.



class Controller : public Leap.IController

The Controller class is your main interface to the Leap Motion Controller.

Create an instance of this Controller class to access frames of tracking data and configuration information.Frame data can be polled at any time using the Controller.Frame() function.Call frame() or frame(0) to get the most recent frame.Set the history parameter to a positive integer to access previous frames.A controller stores up to 60 frames in its frame history.

Polling is an appropriate strategy for applications which already have an intrinsic update loop, such as a game. You can also subscribe to the FrameReady event to get tracking frames through an event delegate.

If the current thread implements a SynchronizationContext that contains a message loop, events are posted to that threads message loop. Otherwise, events are called on an independent thread and applications must perform any needed synchronization or marshalling of data between threads. Note that Unity3D does not create an appropriate SynchronizationContext object. Typically, event handlers cannot access any Unity objects.



class CopyFromOtherExtensions
class CSharpExtensions

Various C# extensions used by the Leap C# classes.



class DebugHand : public Leap.HandModelBase

A HandModel that draws lines for the bones in the hand and its fingers.

The debugs lines are only drawn in the Editor Scene view (when a hand is tracked) and not in the Game view. Use debug hands when you aren’t using visible hands in a scene so that you can see where the hands are in the scene view.

class Device : public IEquatable<Device>

The Device class represents a physically connected device.

The Device class contains information related to a particular connected device such as device id, field of view relative to the device, and the position and orientation of the device in relative coordinates.

The position and orientation describe the alignment of the device relative to the user. The alignment relative to the user is only descriptive. Aligning devices to users provides consistency in the parameters that describe user interactions.

Note that Device objects can be invalid, which means that they do not contain valid device information and do not correspond to a physical device.



class DeviceEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a device is plugged in.

Provides the device as an argument.



class DeviceFailureEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a device is plugged in, but fails to initialize or when a working device fails in use.

Provides the failure reason and, if available, the serial number.



class DeviceList : public List<Device>

The DeviceList class represents a list of Device objects.

Get a DeviceList object by calling Controller.Devices().



class DistortionData

The DistortionData class contains the distortion map for correcting the lens distortion of an image.

The distortion data is an array containing a 64x64 grid of floating point pairs. The distortion map for both sides of an image pair are stacked in the Data array the left map first, followed by the right map.



class DistortionEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when the image distortion map changes.

Provides the new distortion map as an argument.



class DroppedFrameEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs
class EnableDepthBuffer : public MonoBehaviour
struct EndProfilingBlockArgs
struct EndProfilingForThreadArgs
class EnumEventTable : public ISerializationCallbackReceiver
class FailedDevice : public IEquatable<FailedDevice>

The FailedDevice class provides information about Leap Motion hardware that has been physically connected to the client computer, but is not operating correctly.

Failed devices do not provide any tracking data and do not show up in the Controller.Devices() list.

Get the list of failed devices using Controller.FailedDevices().



class FailedDeviceList : public List<FailedDevice>

The list of FailedDevice objects contains an entry for every failed Leap Motion hardware device connected to the client computer. FailedDevice objects report the device pnpID string and reason for failure.

Get the list of FailedDevice objects from Controller.FailedDevices().



class FiducialPoseEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a Fiducial Marker is tracked

Note: Family and Size are not currently implemented

class Finger

The Finger class represents a tracked finger.

Fingers are objects that the Leap Motion software has classified as a finger. Get valid Finger objects from a Frame or a Hand object.



class FingerModel : public MonoBehaviour

The base class for all fingers.

This class serves as the interface between the HandController object, the parent Hand object and the concrete finger objects.

Subclasses of FingerModel must implement InitFinger() and UpdateFinger(). The InitHand() function is typically called by the parent HandModel InitHand() method; likewise, the UpdateFinger() function is typically called by the parent HandModel UpdateHand() function.

class Frame : public IEquatable<Frame>

The Frame class represents a set of hand and finger tracking data detected in a single frame.

The Leap Motion software detects hands, fingers and tools within the tracking area, reporting their positions, orientations, gestures, and motions in frames at the Leap Motion frame rate.

Access Frame objects through an instance of the Controller class.



class FrameEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a tracking frame is ready.

Provides the Frame object as an argument.



class FromMatrixExtension
class GrabDetector : public Leap.ActionDetector

A lightweight Grab Detector, that calculates a grab value based on the grab strength of the hand. Utilizes hysteresis to have different grab and ungrab thresholds.

class Hand : public IEquatable<Hand>

The Hand class reports the physical characteristics of a detected hand.

Hand tracking data includes a palm position and velocity; vectors for the palm normal and direction to the fingers; and lists of the attached fingers.

Note that Hand objects can be invalid, which means that they do not contain valid tracking data and do not correspond to a physical entity. Invalid Hand objects can be the result of using the default constructor, or modifying the hand data in an incorrect way.



class HandEnableDisable : public MonoBehaviour

A component to be attached to a HandModelBase to handle starting and ending of tracking. The parent gameobjet is activated when tracking begins and deactivated when tracking ends.

class HandModel : public Leap.HandModelBase

The base class for all hand models, both graphics and physics.

This class serves as the interface between the LeapProvider and the concrete hand object containing the graphics and physics of a hand.

The UpdateHand() function is called in the Unity Update() phase for graphics HandModel instances; and in the Unity FixedUpdate() phase for physics objects. InitHand() is called once, when the hand is created and is followed by a call to UpdateHand().

class HandModelBase : public MonoBehaviour

HandModelBase defines abstract methods as a template for building hand models. It allows you to receive tracking data for a left or right hand and it can be extended to drive hand visuals or physics representations of hands.

A HandModelBase will automatically subscribe and receive tracking data if there is a provider in the scene. The provider can be overridden (leapProvider).

Subclassed by Leap.CapsuleHand, Leap.DebugHand, Leap.HandModel, Leap.HandsModule.HandBinder

class HandPoseDetector : public MonoBehaviour
class HandPoseEditor : public Leap.LeapProvider
class HandPoseRecorder : public MonoBehaviour
class HandPoseScriptableObject : public ScriptableObject
class HandPoseViewer : public Leap.LeapProvider
class Hands

Static convenience methods and extension methods for getting useful Hand data.

class HandTrackingHintManager
class HandTrackingSourceUtility
class HandUtils

Utility methods for constructing and manipulating Leap hand object data.

class HeadPoseEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs
interface ICanReportDuplicateInformation

Subclassed by Leap.SerializableHashSet< T >

interface IController : public IDisposable

Subclassed by Leap.Controller

class ImageEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when an unrequested Image is ready.

Provides the Image object as an argument.



class InternalFrameEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs
interface IPoolable

Implement this interface to recieve a callback whenever your object is spawned from a pool.

class KabschSolver
class LeapEventArgs : public EventArgs

A generic object with no arguments beyond the event type.



Subclassed by Leap.ConfigChangeEventArgs, Leap.ConnectionEventArgs, Leap.ConnectionLostEventArgs, Leap.DeviceEventArgs, Leap.DeviceFailureEventArgs, Leap.DistortionEventArgs, Leap.DroppedFrameEventArgs, Leap.FiducialPoseEventArgs, Leap.FrameEventArgs, Leap.HeadPoseEventArgs, Leap.ImageEventArgs, Leap.InternalFrameEventArgs, Leap.LogEventArgs, Leap.PointMappingChangeEventArgs, Leap.PolicyEventArgs, Leap.SetConfigResponseEventArgs

class LeapImageRetriever : public MonoBehaviour

Acquires images from a LeapServiceProvider and uploads image data as shader global data for use by any shaders that render those images.

Note: To use the LeapImageRetriever, you must be on version 2.1 or newer and you must enable “Allow Images” in your Leap Motion settings.

class LeapProvider : public MonoBehaviour

Provides Frame object data to the Unity application by firing events as soon as Frame data is available. Frames contain all currently tracked Hands in view of the Leap Motion Controller.

LeapProvider defines the basic interface our plugin expects to use to retrieve Frame data. This abstraction allows you to create your own LeapProviders, which is useful when testing or developing in a context where Ultraleap Hand Tracking hardware isn’t immediately available.

Subclassed by Leap.HandPoseEditor, Leap.HandPoseViewer, Leap.LeapServiceProvider, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsManager, Leap.PostProcessProvider, Leap.Tracking.OpenXR.OpenXRLeapProvider, Leap.XRHandsLeapProvider, Leap.XRLeapProviderManager

class LeapProviderExtensions
class LeapServiceProvider : public Leap.LeapProvider

The LeapServiceProvider provides tracked Leap Hand data and images from the device via the Leap service running on the client machine.

It communicates with the Ultraleap Tracking Service running on your platform, and provides Frame objects containing Leap hands to your application. Generally, any class that needs hand tracking data from the camera will need a reference to a LeapServiceProvider to get that data.

Subclassed by Leap.LeapXRServiceProvider

struct LeapTransform

The LeapTransform class represents a transform in three dimensional space.

Note that the LeapTransform class replaces the Leap.Matrix class.



class LeapXRHandProvider : public XRHandSubsystemProvider
class LeapXRServiceProvider : public Leap.LeapServiceProvider

The LeapXRServiceProvider expands on the standard LeapServiceProvider to account for the offset of the Leap device with respect to the attached HMD and warp tracked hand positions based on the motion of the headset to account for the differing latencies of the two tracking systems.

This component can be placed anywhere in your scene as long as mainCamera references the XR camera.

class LogEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when loggable events are generated by the service and the service connection code.

Provides the severity rating, log text, and timestamp as arguments.



class MetadataUtil

This class captures information regarding use of the Ultraleap Unity Plugin This data is anonymized and only sent to Ultraleap when you choose to allow it. You can change your analytics preferences in the Ultraleap Tracking Control Panel. “Settings > Help Improve Tracking”

class PhysicalHandsAnchorable : public Leap.AnchorableBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandHover
class PinchDetector : public Leap.ActionDetector

A lightweight Pinch Detector, that calculates a pinch value based on the distance between the provided finger tip and the thumb tip. Utilizes hysteresis to have different pinch and unpinch thresholds.

struct PointMapping
class PointMappingChangeEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when point mapping change events are generated by the service.



class PolicyEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a policy change is complete.

Provides the current and previous policies as arguments.



class Pool<T>

A very lightweight pool implementation. When you call Spawn, an object of type T will be returned. If the pool was not empty, the T will be taken from the pool. If the pool was empty, a new T will be constructed and returned instead. Calling recycle will return a T to the pool.

It is not required to implement the IPoolable interface to use the Pool class, which allows you to pool types such as List or Dictionary, types which you have no control over. But make sure that you clean up these objects before you recycle them!

Example workflow for types you DO NOT have control over:

// " // (XML fix for Visual Studio)

var obj = Pool\<T\>.Spawn();

//Do something with obj


// " // (Close XML fix for Visual Studio)

Example workflow for types you DO have control over:

// " // (XML fix for Visual Studio)

var obj = Pool\<T\>.Spawn();

// Do something with obj

obj.Dispose(); // e.g. call Recycle(this) in the Dispose() implementation

// " // (Close XML fix for Visual Studio)

class PoseExtensions
class PostProcessProvider : public Leap.LeapProvider

Subclassed by Leap.HandsModule.DistortTrackingDataToVisuals

class ProduceConsumeBuffer<T>
struct ReadonlyHashSet<T>

A simple wrapper around HashSet to provide readonly access. Useful when you want to return a HashSet to someone but you want to make sure they don’t muck it up!

class RingBuffer<T>
class SerializableHashSet<T> : public Leap.SerializableHashSetBase, public Leap.ICanReportDuplicateInformation, public ISerializationCallbackReceiver, public IEnumerable<T>
class SerializableHashSetBase

Subclassed by Leap.SerializableHashSet< T >

class SetConfigResponseEventArgs : public Leap.LeapEventArgs

Dispatched when a configuration change is completed.

Provides the configuration key, whether the change was successful, and the id of the original change request.



class SimpleAnchorFeedback : public MonoBehaviour
class SimpleFacingCameraCallbacks : public MonoBehaviour
struct SingleLayer : public IEquatable<SingleLayer>

An object you can use to represent a single Unity layer as a dropdown in the inspector. Can be converted back and forth between the integer representation Unity usually uses in its own methods.

class SmoothedFloat

Time-step independent exponential smoothing.

When moving at a constant speed: speed * delay = Value - SmoothedFloat.value.

class SubsystemStarter
class Swizzle
class TestHandFactory
class TrackingMarker : public MonoBehaviour
class TrackingMarkerObject : public MonoBehaviour
class TransformExtensions
class TransformHistory

Implements a resample-able transform history.

class UltraleapSettings : public ScriptableObject
class Utils
class VisualFOV

Class to generate meshes that can be used for field of view visualization. Set the FOV variables depending on the device type used, call UpdateFOVs() and access the meshes OptimalFOVMesh, NoTrackingFOVMesh and MaxFOVMesh.

class XRHandsLeapProvider : public Leap.LeapProvider

A LeapProvider that converts XRHands Subsystem data to a Leap.Frame for use in features that use Leap.Frame and LeapProviders as a data source.

class XRHandsUtils
class XRLeapProviderManager : public Leap.LeapProvider

XRLeapProviderManager offers a single access point while selecting the most suitable Hand Tracking Data source available at the time of application launch. The order of selection is: UL OpenXR -> Leap Direct -> OpenXR

class XRSupportUtil

Wraps various (but not all) “XR” calls with Unity 5.6-supporting “VR” calls via #ifdefs.

namespace Attachments


enum AttachmentPointFlags

Flags for attachment points on the hand.


class AttachmentHand : public MonoBehaviour

This MonoBehaviour is managed by an AttachmentHands component on a parent MonoBehaviour. Instead of adding AttachmentHand directly to a GameObject, add an AttachmentHands component to a parent GameObject to manage the construction and updating of AttachmentHand objects.

class AttachmentHandEnableDisable : public MonoBehaviour
class AttachmentHands : public MonoBehaviour

Add an GameObject with this script to your scene if you would like to have a Transform hierarchy that will follow various important points on a hand, whether for visuals or for logic. The AttachmentHands object will maintain two child objects, one for each of the player’s hands. Use the Inspector to customize which points you’d like to see in the hierarchy beneath the individual AttachmentHand objects.

class AttachmentPointBehaviour : public MonoBehaviour

Simple container class for storing a reference to the attachment point this transform corresponds to within an AttachmentHand. Also contains mappings from a single AttachmentPointFlags flag constant to the relevant bone on a Leap.Hand; these mappings can be accessed statically via GetLeapHandPointData().

Can also be used to refer to a single AttachmentPointFlags flag constant (implicit conversion).

class AttachmentPointFlagsExtensions
namespace Attributes


UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object
class CombinablePropertyAttribute : public PropertyAttribute

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.DisableAttribute, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase, Leap.Attributes.EditTimeOnly, Leap.Attributes.EnumFlags, Leap.Attributes.IndentAttribute, Leap.Attributes.InspectorNameAttribute, Leap.Attributes.MaxValue, Leap.Attributes.MinMax, Leap.Attributes.MinValue, Leap.Attributes.OnEditorChangeAttribute, Leap.Attributes.UnitsAttribute

class DisableAttribute : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IPropertyDisabler
class DisableIf : public Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase
class DisableIfAll : public Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase
class DisableIfAny : public Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase
class DisableIfBase : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IPropertyDisabler

Conditionally disables a property based on the value of another property. The only condition types that are currently supported are bool types, and enum types. The property has two arguments names ‘equalTo’ and ‘notEqualTo’. Exactly one of them must be specified, like so:

[DisableIf(“myBoolProperty”, isEqualTo: true)] [DisableIf(“myEnumProperty”, isNotEqualTo: MyEnum.Value)] [DisableIfAny(“bool1”, “bool2”, isEqualTo: false)] [DisableIfAll(“cond1”, “cond2”, “cond3”, isNotEqualTo: true)]

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.DisableIf, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfAll, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfAny, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfEqual, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfNotEqual

class DisableIfEqual : public Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase
class DisableIfNotEqual : public Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase
class EditTimeOnly : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IPropertyDisabler
class EnumFlags : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IFullPropertyDrawer
interface IAdditiveDrawer

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.IAfterFieldAdditiveDrawer, Leap.Attributes.IAfterLabelAdditiveDrawer, Leap.Attributes.IBeforeFieldAdditiveDrawer, Leap.Attributes.IBeforeLabelAdditiveDrawer

interface IAfterFieldAdditiveDrawer : public Leap.Attributes.IAdditiveDrawer

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.UnitsAttribute

interface IAfterLabelAdditiveDrawer : public Leap.Attributes.IAdditiveDrawer
interface IBeforeFieldAdditiveDrawer : public Leap.Attributes.IAdditiveDrawer
interface IBeforeLabelAdditiveDrawer : public Leap.Attributes.IAdditiveDrawer

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.IndentAttribute

interface IFullPropertyDrawer

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.EnumFlags, Leap.Attributes.InspectorNameAttribute, Leap.Attributes.MinMax

class IndentAttribute : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IBeforeLabelAdditiveDrawer
class InspectorNameAttribute : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IFullPropertyDrawer
interface IPropertyConstrainer

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.MaxValue, Leap.Attributes.MinValue

interface IPropertyDisabler

Subclassed by Leap.Attributes.DisableAttribute, Leap.Attributes.DisableIfBase, Leap.Attributes.EditTimeOnly

interface ISupportDragAndDrop
interface ITopPanelDrawer
class MaxValue : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IPropertyConstrainer
class MinMax : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IFullPropertyDrawer
class MinValue : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IPropertyConstrainer
class OnEditorChangeAttribute : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute

Use the OnChange attribute to recieve a callback whenever a field is changed. The callback can be in the form of:

  • A method accepting zero arguments

  • A method accepting a single argument matching the field type (new value is passed in as the argument)

  • A property matching the type of the field (the setter is called with the new value)

class UnitsAttribute : public Leap.Attributes.CombinablePropertyAttribute, public Leap.Attributes.IAfterFieldAdditiveDrawer
namespace Encoding
interface IInterpolable<T>

An interface that signifies this class can interpolate via the standard techniques

class VectorHand : public Leap.Encoding.IInterpolable<VectorHand>

A Vector-based encoding of a Leap Hand.

You can Encode a VectorHand from a Leap hand, Decode a VectorHand into a Leap hand, convert the VectorHand to a compressed byte representation using FillBytes, and decompress back into a VectorHand using FromBytes.

class VectorHandExtensions

Defines Utility Extension Methods for a VectorHand

namespace Examples
class IgnoreCollisionsInChildren : public MonoBehaviour

This utility script scans through its Transform’s children and tells PhysX to ignore collisions between all pairs of Colliders it finds. This is particlarly useful, for example, for interfaces, where buttons shouldn’t collide with other buttons.

This is not the recommended strategy in general: It is much more optimal for your application to put interface objects on a layer and disable self-collision for that layer in your Physics settings (Edit / Project Settings / Physics).

namespace HandsModule


enum BoundTypes

ENUM types for bones of the hand the hand binder can attach to


class BoneNameDefinitions

Used to define what bones names are valid for each finger

class BoundBone

A data structure to define starting position, an offset and the Transform reference found in the scene

class BoundFinger

A data structure to define a finger

class BoundHand

A data structure to define all the fingers in a hand, the wrist and elbow

class DistortTrackingDataToVisuals : public Leap.PostProcessProvider

A post process provider that allows hand visuals to generate leap hands that can be used to distort tracking data to visuals This should be used in cases where you have visual hands that do not conform to leap data size, e.g. a monster hand that has extra long fingers

class HandBinder : public Leap.HandModelBase

The HandBinder allows you to use your own hand models so that they follow the leap tracking data. You can bind your model by specifying transforms for the different joints and use the debug and fine tuning options to test and adjust it.

class HandBinderAutoBinder
class HandBinderUtilities
class HandModelManager : public MonoBehaviour

A script to manage the active hand models in the scene

class SerializedTransform

A data structure to store information about a transform and a Gameobject

class ShowArm : public MonoBehaviour

This script makes it easy to swap between two hand meshes. It is meant to be used with one hand mesh that includes an arm and one that doesn’t. It attempts to automatically find the meshes based on their names when adding this component or when resetting it.

class TransformStore

A data structure to store a transforms position and rotation

namespace InputActions
class LeapHandInput : public InputDevice

An Input Device generated using two individual hand Input Devices representing left and right hands.

struct LeapHandState : public IInputStateTypeInfo

The structure used to pass hand data to InputDevices

class XRHandsInputActionUpdater

Updates Ultraleap Input Actions with the latest available hand data Must be provided information from a LeapProvider

namespace PhysicalHands
class ContactBone : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactBone, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactBone, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactBone

class ContactHand : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactHand, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactHand, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactHand

class ContactParent : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.HardContactParent, Leap.PhysicalHands.NoContactParent, Leap.PhysicalHands.SoftContactParent

class ContactUtils
class GrabBall : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab

A representation of an object with an attached object which can be restricted relative to the users head

Most useful for 3D UI panels to ensure they are reachable

class GrabHelper : public MonoBehaviour
class GrabHelperObject
class HandFadeInAtDistanceFromRealData : public MonoBehaviour
class HardContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class HardContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class HardContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent
class IgnorePhysicalHands : public MonoBehaviour
interface IPhysicalHandContact

Reports the contact event when any part of the hand is in contact with an interactable rigidbody. This will be called dependant on the contact distance set by the hand.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsSliderHelper

interface IPhysicalHandGrab

Reports the grab event when a grab helper starts or stops grabbing a rigidbody.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.GrabBall, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsSliderHelper, Leap.PhysicalHandsAnchorable

interface IPhysicalHandHover

Reports the hover event, called when a grab helper is created for the hand. This is a relatively low accuracy hover.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandEvents, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper, Leap.PhysicalHandsAnchorable

interface IPhysicalHandPrimaryHover

Reports the primary hover event when a grab helper starts or stops being the primary hover object.

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonHelper

class NoContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class NoContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class NoContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent
class PhysExts
class PhysicalHandEvents : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandHover, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab
class PhysicalHandsButton : public MonoBehaviour

Subclassed by Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButtonToggle

class PhysicalHandsButtonHelper : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandHover, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandPrimaryHover
class PhysicalHandsButtonToggle : public Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsButton

Class for toggling a button using physical hands.

class PhysicalHandsManager : public Leap.LeapProvider
class PhysicalHandsSlider : public MonoBehaviour
class PhysicalHandsSliderHelper : public MonoBehaviour, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandGrab, public Leap.PhysicalHands.IPhysicalHandContact

This class is purely to get events from the slideable object. You do not need to add this class to your object, it will be added automatically by the slider.

class PhysicalHandUtils
class SoftContactBone : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactBone
class SoftContactHand : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactHand
class SoftContactParent : public Leap.PhysicalHands.ContactParent
namespace Readme
class SceneReadmePing : public MonoBehaviour
namespace RuntimeGizmos
interface IRuntimeGizmoComponent

Have your MonoBehaviour implement this interface to be able to draw runtime gizmos. You must also have a RuntimeGizmoManager component in the scene to recieve callbacks.

class RuntimeGizmoDrawer
class RuntimeGizmoExtensions
class RuntimeGizmoManager : public MonoBehaviour
class RuntimeGizmoToggle : public MonoBehaviour

This class controls the display of all the runtime gizmos that are either attatched to this gameObject, or a child of this gameObject. Enable this component to allow the gizmos to be drawn, and disable it to hide them.

namespace Tracking
namespace OpenXR


enum Handedness

Which of the user’s two hands this hand tracker tracks.



The user’s left hand


The user’s right hand

enum HandJoint

The hand joints according to the OpenXR Specification



enum HandJointSet



The Default OpenXR hand set of 26 joints per-hand, including the palm and wrist.


Default hand-set with the addition of the elbow joint on the forearm.

This requires the Ultraleap extension


struct HandJointLocation

Represents a user’s hand joint with positional and optional velocity information.

class HandTracker

Tracker for a single user’s hand, allow tracking of individual joints.

class HandTrackingFeature : public OpenXRFeature

Enables OpenXR hand-tracking support via the XR_EXT_hand_tracking

OpenXR extension.

class OpenXRLeapProvider : public Leap.LeapProvider
class OpenXRUtility

A utility to pass data to the core plugin through one central entry point

namespace Unity
namespace MRTK
class LeapMRTKSubsystem : public HandsSubsystem