Struct Leap::Tracking::OpenXR::HandJointLocation

struct Leap.Tracking.OpenXR.HandJointLocation

Represents a user’s hand joint with positional and optional velocity information.


bool IsValid { get; set; }

Indicates if both the Pose of this hand joint is valid.

bool IsTracked { get; set; }

Indicates if the Pose hand joint is actively tracked or inferred.

bool LinearVelocityValid { get; set; }

Indicates if this hand joint has valid LinearVelocity.

bool AngularVelocityValid { get; set; }

Indicates if this hand joint has valid AngularVelocity.

HandJoint JointId { get; set; }

The HandJoint that this hand joint location represents.

Pose Pose { get; set; }

The pose of this hand joint in world space.

float Radius { get; set; }

The radius in meters of this hand joint.

Vector3 LinearVelocity { get; set; }

The linear velocity in meters per second of this hand joint.

Vector3 AngularVelocity { get; set; }

The angular velocity in radians per second of this hand joint.