Class Leap::PhysicalHands::GrabHelper

class Leap.PhysicalHands.GrabHelper : public MonoBehaviour

Public Functions

bool IsObjectGrabbed (Rigidbody rigid, out ContactHand hand)

Find out if the given rigidbody is being grabbed and by which hand

Param rigid

Rigidbody to check

Param hand

Contact Hand that is grabbing, null if no hand is grabbing


True if this object is being grabbed

bool TryGetGrabHelperObjectFromRigid (Rigidbody rigid, out GrabHelperObject helperObject)

Populate helperObject with the GrabHelperObject associated with the provided Rigidbody if there is one.

Param rigid

The Rigidbody to find the associated GrabHelperObject

Param helperObject

A GrabHelperObject to be populated if one is available


True if there is a GrabHelperObject associated with the provided Rigidbody