Class Leap::RuntimeGizmos::RuntimeGizmoManager

class Leap.RuntimeGizmos.RuntimeGizmoManager : public MonoBehaviour


event static Action<RuntimeGizmoDrawer> OnPostRenderGizmos

Subscribe to this event if you want to draw gizmos after rendering is complete. Doing gizmo rendering inside of the normal Camera.onPostRender event will cause rendering artifacts.

Public Static Functions

static bool TryGetGizmoDrawer (out RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)

Tries to get a gizmo drawer. Will fail if there is no Gizmo manager in the scene, or if it is disabled.

The gizmo matrix will be set to the identity matrix. The gizmo color will be set to white.

static bool TryGetGizmoDrawer (GameObject attatchedGameObject, out RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)

Tries to get a gizmo drawer for a given gameObject. Will fail if there is no gizmo manager in the scene, or if it is disabled. Will also fail if there is a disable RuntimeGizmoToggle as a parent of the gameObject.

The gizmo matrix will be set to the identity matrix. The gizmo color will be set to white.