Class Leap::Encoding::VectorHandExtensions

class Leap.Encoding.VectorHandExtensions

Defines Utility Extension Methods for a VectorHand

Public Static Functions

static Bone GetBone (this Hand hand, int boneIdx)

Returns a bone object from the hand as if all bones were aligned metacarpal- to-tip and thumb-to-pinky. So 0-3 represent thumb bones, 4-7 represent index bones, etc. There are 20 such Bones in a Hand.

static byte FloatToByte (float inFloat, float movementRange = 0.3f)

Compresses a float into a byte based on the desired movement range.

static float ByteToFloat (byte inByte, float movementRange = 0.3f)

Expands a byte back into a float based on the desired movement range.