Class Leap::Tracking::OpenXR::HandTrackingFeature

class Leap.Tracking.OpenXR.HandTrackingFeature : public OpenXRFeature

Enables OpenXR hand-tracking support via the XR_EXT_hand_tracking

OpenXR extension.

Public Functions

void SetHandTrackingHints (string[] hints)

Sets a specific set of hints, if this does not include previously set ones, they will be cleared.

Param hints

The hints you wish to set

void ClearHandTrackingHints ()

Clears all hand-tracking hints that have been previously set.


bool SupportsHandTracking { get; set; }

True if the XR_EXT_hand_tracking OpenXR extension is supported (and is a supported revision) and the system indicates it supports hand-tracking.

bool IsUltraleapHandTracking { get; set; }

Indicates if the tracking is provided by Ultraleap as opposed to another OpenXR implementation.

bool SupportsHandTrackingHints { get; set; }

True if the XR_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking_hints OpenXR extension is supported (and is a supported revision).