Class Leap::PoseExtensions

class Leap.PoseExtensions

Public Static Functions

static Matrix4x4 matrix (this Pose ps)

Returns a Matrix4x4 corresponding to this Pose’s translation and rotation, with unit scale.

static Pose mul (this Pose A, Pose B)

Returns Pose B transformed by Pose A, like a transform hierarchy with A as the parent of B.

static Pose add (this Pose A, Pose B)

Returns the accumulation of the two Poses: The positions summed, and with rotation A.rotation * B.rotation. Note that this accumulates the Poses without interpreting either Pose as a parent space of the other; but also beware that rotations are noncommutative, so this operation is also noncommutative.

static Pose mul (this Pose pose, Vector3 localPosition)

Transforms the right-hand-side Vector3 as a local-space position into world space as if this Pose were its reference frame or parent.

static Pose mul (this Matrix4x4 matrix, Pose localPose)

Non-projective matrices only (MultiplyPoint3x4).

static Pose Lerp (this Pose a, Pose b, float t)

Returns a Pose interpolated (Lerp for position, Slerp, NOT Lerp for rotation) between a and b by t from 0 to 1. This method clamps t between 0 and 1; if extrapolation is desired, see Extrapolate.

static Pose LerpUnclamped (this Pose a, Pose b, float t)

As Lerp, but doesn’t clamp t between 0 and 1. Values above one extrapolate forwards beyond b, while values less than zero extrapolate backwards past a.

static Pose LerpUnclampedTimed (this Pose a, float aTime, Pose b, float bTime, float extrapolateTime)

As LerpUnclamped, but extrapolates using time values for a and b, and a target time at which to determine the extrapolated Pose.

static Pose ToLocalPose (this Transform t)

Creates a Pose using the transform’s localPosition and localRotation.

static Pose ToPose (this Transform t)

Creates a Pose using the transform’s position and rotation.

static Pose GetPose (this Transform t)

Creates a Pose using the transform’s position and rotation.

static Pose ToWorldPose (this Transform t)

Creates a Pose using the transform’s position and rotation.

static void SetLocalPose (this Transform t, Pose localPose)

Sets the localPosition and localRotation of this transform to the argument Pose’s position and rotation.

static void SetPose (this Transform t, Pose worldPose)

Sets the position and rotation of this transform to the argument Pose’s position and rotation. Identical to SetWorldPose.

static void SetWorldPose (this Transform t, Pose worldPose)

Sets the position and rotation of this transform to the argument Pose’s position and rotation. Identical to SetPose.

static Pose GetPose (this Matrix4x4 m)

Returns the Pose (position and rotation) described by a Matrix4x4.

static Pose WithRotation (this Pose pose, Quaternion newRotation)

Returns a new Pose with the argument rotation instead of the Pose’s current rotation.

static Pose WithPosition (this Pose pose, Vector3 newPosition)

Returns a new Pose with the argument position instead of the Pose’s current position.