Marker Tracking (AprilTag)

A fiducial marker being tracked through to Unity

Enabling marker tracking

To utilise marker tracking within Unity, you must have a LeapServiceProvider in your scene with the “Track Fiducial Markers” option checked within the Unity inspector.

You must also be using Ultraleap Hyperion, version 6.1 or above, and have configured the service to detect the correct family and size of markers as detailed in the AR Marker Tracking page.

Receiving marker data

With marker tracking enabled, at runtime you can retrieve FiducialPose events from the LeapServiceProvider’s controller (obtained via the GetLeapController method). This will give you a FiducialPoseEventArgs object for each actively tracked AprilTag marker at the update rate configured within the Hyperion config file.

A simple example implementation of marker tracking utilising the FiducialPose events can be found within TrackingMarkerObject.