Metahuman Support (Third Person Character)

Ultraleap support for Metahumans means you can get hand tracking data into the third person character in Unreal Engine (UE). You can find the pawn in UltraleapTracking Content/Metahumans/IEPawnHands_Metahuman.


Make sure that the Leap Hands in IEPawnHands_Metahuman have IEUICollisionWithElbows as a child actor class.


Make sure that the IEUICollisionWithElbows right hand is using BSAutoScaledRight animation blueprint, and the left hand is using BSAutoScaledLeft animation blueprint.


You can also scale the character and its hands. The character’s head will move according the HMD. In order to scale the character’s hands when running the VR mode in UE, use the left hand button menu. If you’re in a sitting position, use the Calibrate Height (sitting) button. If you are standing then use Calibrate Height button.


Once you have calibrated your character, you will notice that the hand size has changed to match your hands.


The white Poly Hands are auto-claibrated. The character’s arms can also move with the hands by using inverse kinematics in UE. To test this, you can use the MannequinExample level, which is set up with the character and hand tracking enabled.

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