Class Leap::LeapProvider

class Leap.LeapProvider : public MonoBehaviour

Provides Frame object data to the Unity application by firing events as soon as Frame data is available. Frames contain all currently tracked Hands in view of the Leap Motion Controller.

LeapProvider defines the basic interface our plugin expects to use to retrieve Frame data. This abstraction allows you to create your own LeapProviders, which is useful when testing or developing in a context where Ultraleap Hand Tracking hardware isn’t immediately available.

Subclassed by Leap.HandPoseEditor, Leap.HandPoseViewer, Leap.LeapServiceProvider, Leap.PhysicalHands.PhysicalHandsManager, Leap.PostProcessProvider, Leap.Tracking.OpenXR.OpenXRLeapProvider, Leap.XRHandsLeapProvider, Leap.XRLeapProviderManager


abstractFrame CurrentFrame { get; set; }

The current frame for this update cycle, in world space.

IMPORTANT! This frame might be mutable! If you hold onto a reference to this frame, or a reference to any object that is a part of this frame, it might change unexpectedly. If you want to save a reference, make sure to make a copy.

abstractFrame CurrentFixedFrame { get; set; }

The current frame for this fixed update cycle, in world space.

IMPORTANT! This frame might be mutable! If you hold onto a reference to this frame, or a reference to any object that is a part of this frame, it might change unexpectedly. If you want to save a reference, make sure to make a copy.

bool LeftHandTracked { get; set; }

The current tracked state of the left hand. See also OnHandFound and OnHandLost events.

bool RightHandTracked { get; set; }

The current tracked state of the right hand. See also OnHandFound and OnHandLost events.

TrackingSource TrackingDataSource { get; set; }

Represents the source of tracking data