Ultraleap Gesture Technology Powered by BrightSign¶
Deploy Ultraleap’s gesture technology on BrightSign’s XC5 series and XT1144 media players.
Ultraleap’s solution can enable gesture interactivity – such as select, scroll and swipe – on a digital surface of any size.
Use these pages to learn how to install and configure TouchFree and create a BrightAuthor presentation.
The technology¶
Ultraleap TouchFree extensions for the XC5 series and XT1144 including Ultraleap’s 5th generation, best-in-class hand tracking software
Easy installation, setup, and configuration
Multiple camera positions supported
Interactive distance of 1m / ~40” between user and camera module
A large range of screen sizes accommodated
For 1:1 interactivity: up to a 42” screen in portrait
For non 1:1 interactivity: any size screen can be supported
Comprehensive documentation and design guidelines
Software integration packages with examples for quick adoption
Table of Contents